Initially, the thought of an adult using a coloring book may cause you to chuckle a bit and wonder, “Isn’t coloring a juvenile activity?”
Well, as an adult, you should not be embarrassed about the idea of taking up coloring as a hobby. If you prefer to view my second video about the benefits of coloring therapy, click here.
For adults, there are times when we need to decompress from the pressures of this world and take time to focus on our own well-being.
We all have several demands that are constantly being placed on us, and it is easy to experience burnout if we do not pull aside occasionally to renew ourselves.
Coloring is a relaxing and creative way to mellow out. In fact, I’ve created a Stress Relief Coloring Book with soothing images to help you quell stress. Read below to see the various ways that coloring can benefit you. Yes, even an adult (1).
First, let me explain the distinction between “coloring therapy” vs “art therapy”. The two are completely different.
Art Therapy takes place between a therapist and her/his client to help said client cope better mentally, which is a more intricate process.
On the other hand, coloring only involves the person who is doing the coloring, their coloring book, and their crayons, coloring pencils or coloring markers.
The reasons that the use of coloring pages and coloring books have become so popular is that coloring has been shown to help reduce anxiety, spark creativity, help us shut down negative thoughts and behaviors, help us explore past hurts and learn how to heal from those hurts, develop our ability to focus, quiet our busy minds, plus a host of other benefits.
Let’s expound a bit more on these topics and how coloring can help us.
Dealing with Depression? Albeit small, there are a few studies that have shown that coloring can be used as therapy to deal with occasional bouts of depression (2).
Bright, vibrant colors are therapeutic in helping to lift your mood. Think about how you feel on a bright, sunny day as opposed to a grey, dreary day. I get excited about going for a leisurely walk on a sunny day, simply because the sunshine makes me feel so happy and cheerful.
Well, for similar reasons you can take control of your frame of mind and perk up your own emotions by coloring in your coloring book. When you use lively colors such as orange, yellow, or bright pink, these colors can help you lighten up and wind down.
It is also inspiring to color images that have a positive or soothing theme. Think about how you feel when you look at pictures of beautifully decorated rooms or gorgeous scenes of nature. It’s like a “Take me away!!” moment, right?!
By coloring images with a peaceful vibe, your visual senses can automatically transform your thoughts (and mindset) into a more tranquil state.
If you are concerned about a loved one who may be showing signs of the onset of dementia, give them a great coloring book and some brightly-colored coloring pencils or crayons. Then allow them to create their own artistic masterpieces.
When you allow your creative juices to flow, it activates the synapses in your brain. Synapses are a network of neurons which communicate with each other in your brain cells, thereby strengthening your memory. (2)
In addition, coloring books and coloring pages are convenient and light-weight tools that travel well. You can take them with you anywhere so that you can access them when you need a way to quell bouts of dementia (3).
An added benefit…once you have been using coloring books for a while, you may decide to explore your creativity in other areas as well such as painting on canvas, playing a musical instrument, or you may begin exploratory writing!
Creativity is the spice of life and can open so many doors of greater enjoyment to you!
If you suffer from anxiety, selecting coloring books with serene scenes and peaceful images is, within itself, a mental relaxation tool.
To make your coloring sessions even more tranquil, choose coloring pencils or crayons in hues such as soft pinks, light blues, or light greys because these colors are effective at reducing anxiety.
If you pay close attention, you will notice that your “panic-style” breathing will slow down to a more relaxed pace while coloring as well.
Stress, if left unchecked, can lead to health issues in your body. It may seem simplistic, but coloring can be an effective antidote to stress (4).
There is a part of the brain called the amygdala, which is where fear is processed. When your mind wants to continue reliving negative events, coloring is a great way to refocus those stress-inducing thoughts to more peaceful thoughts.
Also, if done just before bedtime, coloring can help quell insomnia. I suggest you keep a supply of coloring pages and crayons or coloring pencils to help you wind down when you are feeling frazzled.
Practicing “quietness” is one of the most relaxing and therapeutic activities we can do for our mental health.
When our minds are constantly racing with a long list of “to-dos”, feelings of self-doubt, or any other negative thoughts that creep into our minds throughout the day, it can be mentally draining!
One of the ways that I like to wind down and quiet my mind is by tapping into my creativity. Coloring is a simple yet practical way for you to relax and express your creativity.
You will be pleasantly surprised at how coloring can ease a crowded and noisy mind. While you are coloring, it’s a good practice to do some deep breathing as well.
Focusing on taking deep breaths is a good way to reduce the power of negative thoughts and put them on hold for a few minutes.
You might find it helpful to set a timer for 5-10 minutes to allow yourself enough time to benefit from the soothing impact of deep breathing.
To maximize your time of quietness during your coloring session, turn off all distractions like your cell phone and the television.
Doing so better positions you to focus only on one thing, which is your relaxing coloring session. The more focused you are, the more tranquil your time of coloring will be.
You see, the ability to focus is a powerful skill to develop! It's extremely valuable in every area of life!
Again, you can click here to learn more about my Stress Relief Coloring Book. You will be pleased when you see that it is chocked full of wonderful coloring pages that exude feelings of serenity and peacefulness.
I have really grown to appreciate this simple pastime of coloring to help me mellow out. I hope this information helps you to recognize how you can use coloring to benefit yourself and help you tame stress in your life.