Ooooo, how I absolutely enjoy a day of relaxation at the spa!
From the aroma of the pure essential oils that permeate the air, to the use of holistic and exotic herbs and spices, to the soothing zen-like music, I would never tire from frequent visits to a beautiful resort spa!
However, we all know that frequent spa retreats can become quite expensive, but have no fear! You can create your own spa-like oasis in the comfort of your own bathroom by taking a relaxing detox bath…and at a very affordable cost!!
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As the name implies, detox baths can help the body rid itself of some of the toxins that we encounter on a daily basis.
These toxins can come from the use of chemically-based skin care products, our environment (indoors and outdoors), and by ingesting pesticides used to grow some of our produce.
Detox baths can also provide splendid aqua therapy to help your body unwind and release some of the stressors of daily life. Below I have listed the items that I gather in preparation for my own spa day at home.
And, yes, I suggest using a CD player to play your 'nature sounds' CD vs. using an app from your cell phone to reduce your amount of exposure to EMFs from your cell phone. Plus, there are no commercial interruptions by playing a CD with soothing sounds or relaxing music.
After all, your intention is to set an atmosphere to DESTRESS your body instead of stressing it out by exposing it to the radiation from your cell phone.
Now, to turn your bathroom into a serene and relaxing retreat, gather the following essentials:
A scented candle
A portable CD player
A CD with sounds of nature
A cup of herbal tea of your choice
A spa bath pillow
Then, run your bath water at a temperature as warm as you can comfortably tolerate. This will help to open the pores of your skin to help you absorb the nutrients of some of the herbs, and possibly throw off some toxins.
To make your bath time more tranquil, there are 3 ingredients that I suggest you add to your bath water. Each one has its own unique therapeutic benefits. Only use one at a time. Here they are:

Adding Epsom salts to your bath water is like creating a 'mineral springs' experience in the privacy of your own home.
The main component of Epsom salts is magnesium sulfate. Magnesium supports over 200 bodily functions, so it is a very important nutrient. (1)
I am not suggesting that you ingest Epsom salts because I will need to do more research on the topic of taking Epsom salt internally. However, it has soothing benefits when used in bath water.
For instance, Epsom salts helps to soothe sore, tired muscles. It has also been shown to soothe skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. (2)
Sometimes I add 2-3 cups of Epsom Salts and about 5-10 drops of an essential oil to my bath water and swirl the water to blend the ingredients. Then, I sit in the tub and relax as I sip on a cup of herbal tea.
One of my favorite essential oils for a soothing bath is juniper essential oil. Juniper oil helps to relax tired muscles and it has a clean, crisp aroma. (2)
Another soothing essential oil to add to your water is the uplifting grapefruit essential oil. The reason is that…and this is a good one ladies….grapefruit essential oil helps to break up cellulite! (3)
To increase the cellulite-reducing quality of your detox baths, knead the affected area with your fingertips to help break up the fatty tissue and smooth out those areas.
This is a good beauty practice regardless of the ingredients you use in your detox bath because most of us are in a constant battle to achieve smooth, firm thighs.

Bentonite clay is also a mineral. When added to your bath water it is effective at drawing toxins out of your body through the pores of your skin.
This drawing action is produced by the negative ionic charge produced by bentonite clay when it is liquefied in water (4). As such, It acts as a magnate by attracting toxins to itself.
When your pores are open from breaking a sweat in your bath water, the bentonite clay detox will “pull” toxins out of your body and “trap” those toxins to itself so that you cannot reabsorb them.
It’s even effective enough to remove heavy metals from the body (5). Due to its strong magnetic pull, you should not use any other ingredients in your bath water when using bentonite clay.
The reason is that the bentonite clay will absorb the nutrients and “trap” them to itself (just as it traps the toxins), carrying them away from your body.
Here’s a tip on how to prepare your bentonite clay for your detox bath: Since it will take a while for powdered bentonite clay to become hydrated enough to thoroughly mix into your bath water, you should first liquify it.
To liquify bentonite clay, place 2 dry, heaping tablespoons into a GLASS jar filled with water the day before you take your detox bath. Allow the water/clay mixture to sit overnight. On the next day, after the clay is thoroughly hydrated, vigorously shake the jar to blend the water and clay to ensure that the clay is completely liquified.
Then, pour the liquified clay solution into your bath water, mix by swirling with your hand, sit in the bath water and enjoy your tranquil moment of detoxification.
BONUS TIP: FYI, I stress using a GLASS jar because if you use a metal jar to liquify bentonite clay, it will leach the metal into the clay and water solution.
You do not want to add those metals into your bath water because of the possibility of absorbing them into your body.

Adding a variety of healing herbs (fresh or dried) will turn your bath water into a blissful treat!
The warm bath water will leach the natural vitamins and minerals that are present in those herbs into your water. Then you simply sit, relax, and absorb the nutrients into your skin.
If you would like, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to boost the serenity and therapeutic value of your detox bath.
Here is a combination of organic herbs that I especially like to use for my herbal spa bath. Each herb has its own therapeutic value that packs a powerful, skin-loving punch:
Lavender Buds – relaxing (6)
Oat Straw – soothes irritated skin (7)
Whole Red Clover Flowers – treats psoriasis and eczema (8)
Whole Calendula Flowers – heals skin wounds (10)
TIP: Place your herbs inside a muslin cloth drawstring bag. Drop the bag into your bath water. Allow the herbal infusion of the nutrients into your bath water. Then sit in the herbal bath water, relax, and absorb the nutrients right into your skin!
Using the drawstring bag prevents you from having a messy clean-up after your relaxing herbal bath.
You can customize your own mixture of organic herbs as well. I recommend using organic herbs whenever possible to decrease your chances of adding pesticides to your bath water if using conventionally-grown herbs.
It’s always a good practice to drink a glass of water during and after your detox bath. Drinking water during your detox bath will replace the fluids that you will lose through perspiration.
The reason for drinking water after your detox bath is that you want to continue to flush out any toxins that became mobile throughout your body during the perspiration and detoxification process.
It’s a good idea to add drops of liquid minerals to your drinking water after your detox bath. This will help to replace the electrolytes you lost through sweating.
Now, go ahead! Create your own blissful, stress-releasing paradise at home. You can do so inexpensively and as often as you would like.
Given our busy lives, we can all benefit from incorporating a relaxing detox bath into our regimen.
Always check with your doctor prior to incorporating any of the suggestions above to ensure safe usage for yourself. It is also recommended that you do your own research on this topic matter to come to your own educated conclusion.