Woman writing goals in a planner at her desk in front of computer


January 24, 20255 min read

Have you ever felt as if you are on a hamster wheel…doing a lot of ‘busy’ work but not making any real progress toward accomplishing something that you can feel proud of? 

If so, chances are you are not the only person on earth who feels…stuck. 


If this resonates with how you feel about your life, I have good news for you! 

You may wonder, “How can anything good come out of having such bland outlook about my life?”  Hear me out.


The word 'possible' written on small chalkboard

The fact that you are reading this blog post means that you still have life in your body.  Right?

And because there is still life in your body, you still have the opportunity to create something even greater for yourself. There is a load of potential in you!

Your brain still works.  Your mouth still works.  You’re still able to get up and move about without the help of another person. Your eyes still work, which means that you can research any topic and obtain the skills and knowledge to do some pretty impressive things with your life! 


Have you ever read the scripture that says, “Without a vision, the people perish”?  Think about that statement for a bit. 

How do you think a person with no dreams or goals will approach each day when they wake up? 

They may meander throughout the day having no direction or purpose, working at a job that provides no fulfillment for them, wishing they could become more…and THEY CAN! 


Lady's hand pointing to destination on map on a desk

Let’s explore how having a compelling vision for your life, coupled with a clear, written action plan, can transform your experience from feeling mediocre, to living a life of fulfillment that inspires you each day...one where you are eager to make a positive impact and embrace new possibilities

You just have to be willing to sit still long enough to think and WRITE DOWN your goals.  Then, start working to achieve your goals. 


You see, setting goals is not only good for becoming a success in business.  It is also imperative and essential for overall health and wellbeing.  Let’s explore the significance and health benefits of GOAL SETTING.



Lady stressing at her desk at computer

Drifting aimlessly through life without a clear sense of purpose is stressful.  

However, when you know what you want out of life, and you begin to map out the steps to go after what you want, it creates an impetus to push you toward becoming that person of notable greatness that you desire. (1)

What an awesome stress reliever! 

Some people are deeply committed to writing their goals down and reading them on a daily basis. This helps them to remain focused on doing what it takes to realize their dreams. 

Using a goals journal is an effective way to stay focused and consistently aligned with your objectives.


Hour glass with blue sand against backdrop of stones

Whether you are building a business, focusing on a weight-loss routine, or working toward any other goal that you’ve set, take the time to plan your daily tasks with intention. This will help to ensure that you approach each day with a sense of purpose and help you make good use of your time. 

Time is a very expensive commodity that, once it is spent, you cannot go back and get a refund for what you did not use.

When you have a clear plan for each day, you can wake up with a feeling of excitement and direction about what you need to do to improve your life. 

Having a strong sense of purpose can breathe life into your very existence. 




Encouraging words on goal setting

When setting goals, it’s important to have a clearly defined vision of what you want to achieve, and the steps needed to get there.

As the scripture that says, “Write the vision and make it plain”. 

Once you are clear about what you want to accomplish, intentionally set aside a day to make a list of the tasks you need to complete.  

Then, use this list to prioritize where you should spend your time in pursuit of your goals.  

When creating your ‘to-do’ list, minimize distractions so that you can create a clear strategy to elevate your life.



Have you ever noticed how much time is lost when you lack a clear sense of direction?  On the other hand, when you set a clear goal, you will feel more confident about establishing a plan to fulfill that goal.

Instead of moving from one task to another and leaving things unfinished, a clear plan of action allows you to focus, work more efficiently, and consequently reach your goals faster…usually with better success.

By writing down your goals and outlining the steps to accomplish them, you’ll set yourself up for highly productive days.



Neatly organized desk with plant and books

When you identify the important tasks you need to accomplish each day, you can structure your day more effectively around those priorities.  

Not only can this help you eliminate any distractions that might hinder your progress, but also help you make wiser, more intentional use of your time. 

After all, you want to stay on track toward achieving your aspirations.




Happy lady celebrating

I realize that there are times when life’s responsibilities seem to pile up, leaving you feeling stuck and unable to experience breakthroughs. 

During these moments it’s challenging to maintain a positive outlook on things.

That’s when we really have to take caution to not allow procrastination to keep us from working on achieving your goals.

During these times of uncertainty, we must press through to experience the breakthroughs that lead to a better life.

By writing down and accomplishing even the smallest goals, you will begin to feel the weight of the world lighten as you begin to move closer to achieving your grand aspirations.



Sign saying 'go up and never stop'

Suffice it to say that when you have a clear vision of the direction in which you want to life to go, and you write down the goals to fulfill that vision…and put forth the effort to achieve those goals (very important!), you will end up with a life filled with more joy and greater feelings of accomplishment.

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