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A tied bunch of lavender sprgs


February 15, 20255 min read

When I think of lavender, my mind immediately evokes images of sprawling lavender fields with stunning rows of fragrant flowers that range in color from faint to deep hues of purple...somewhere in Provence (France).

Possessing a heavenly aroma that is as equally stunning as its physical beauty, it is no wonder that lavender is one of the most revered plants around the world.

In addition to its whimsical character, the essential oil that is steam-distilled from the lavender flower is also famous for its many uses, ranging from beauty to health.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of lavender oil.

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Lavender essential oil makes an excellent topical treatment for skin burns and scalds (1). It generates a faster turnover of new cells and helps to stop the burning sensation fairly quickly.

In fact, if you consistently apply lavender essential oil to a new skin burn DAILY, during its healing process, it will heal the burn area so thoroughly that you will barely be able to identify the burn site.

Lavender essential oil is one of a very few essential oils that you can apply to the skin full strength.

However, due to the highly concentrated nature of essential oils, it is strongly recommended that you dilute essential oils in a carrier oil base, like olive oil, for safe application to your skin. (1)


If you are feeling a bit on edge, open a bottle of lavender oil and take 5-10 inhalations. Lavender is a relaxing essential oil that has a sedative effect on the nervous system and is a natural antidepressant. (2).

Be careful not to place the bottle too closely to your nose as you don’t want to burn your mucous membranes. Adding a few drops to your bath water is a wonderful way to relax and release tension as well.


Lavender makes a great natural, non-toxic insect repellent (3).

If you’re going camping or plan to participate in outdoor activities during the warmer months, take a bottle of lavender essential oil with you.

Just add one or two drops to a teaspoon of carrier oil and rub it on your arms and legs. You will not only enjoy a nearly pest-free outing, but you will also smell wonderful!


Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, lavender oil can be an effective aid in taming oily skin by regulating its oil secretion. It also helps heal the scarring left behind once the acne dries up. (4)

If you'd like to try lavender oil to help clear up the blemishes on your face, first consult with your doctor to determine if it is safe for you to use.

Once you determine its safe usage, do a patch test under your chin to determine if you'll have a negative reaction. If you experience no negative reaction, proceed with adding lavender oil to your facial skin care regimen.

For one week, each time you wash your face, add just ONE drop of lavender essential oil onto your wash cloth, mixed into your facial cleanser. Rinse clean, tone, and apply your moisturizer as usual. By the end of the week make notation of any improvement in the clarity of your skin.!


Studies suggest that the aroma therapeutic properties of lavender oil may assist with providing comfort from arthritis pain.(5)

To use, add 1 to 2 drops of lavender oil into a teaspoon of carrier oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, or sweet almond oil. Place the oil combination into the palm of your hands and rub your hands together to blend. Then, massage the oil blend into the pain site.


If you are having trouble falling asleep at night and want to try a natural sleeping aid, try using lavender oil. Studies suggest that it can help promote relaxation and sleep.(6)

One of the most common ways to use lavender essential oil for relaxation is in a diffuser.

If you own an essential oil diffuser, add 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil to the water, plug it in and place the diffuser on your night stand about 1/2 hour prior to retiring for bed.

Shut the door to your bedroom to create a “cocoon” of its heavenly aroma, and enjoy a good night's sleep.


In addition to providing relief from insomnia, lavender essential oil also helps to relieve migraine headaches and feelings of nausea (7).(8)

Caveat: Breastfeeding and pregnant women should avoid using lavender oil. Lavender essential oil has been shown to cause uterine contractions. (9)

For headache relief, dilute 1 or 2 drops into a teaspoon of carrier oil and rub onto your temples, across your forehead, and massage onto your shoulders to provide extra relaxation.


Earlier I discussed how lavender oil benefits oily skin by moderating its oil secretion. However, its aid on distressed skin doesn’t stop there. Lavender’s healing properties also help soothe skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. (10)

Add 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil to a teaspoon of skin-nurturing plant-based carrier oils such as black seed oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil (11). Blend all oils and apply to the psoriasis- and eczema-affected areas for relief.


Lavender essential oil has no known toxicities and is therefore considered safe to use on human skin. (12)

However, some individuals can develop sensitivities to lavender that can result in headaches and vomiting if ingested or inhaled in large quantities. (13).

Always consult with your physician prior to trying lavender essential oil or any new remedies.


Alone, lavender smells absolutely wonderful. However, there are some essential oils that blend well with lavender to enhance its aromatic profile.

One of my favorite combinations is lavender and patchouli! Other essential oils that create intoxicating blends with lavender are bergamot, sage, and rosemary.

Given its delightful aroma and its myriad of health benefits, it may be beneficial to keep a dropper-style bottle of lavender essential oil in your arsenal of health and beauty aids.

Lavender Essential Oil, Lavender Oil BenefitsIs Lavender Oil Good For YouRelaxationReduce StressRelax the Mind
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